Blessed 2016

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What a year it’s been! Time to step back and breathe. Of course, Thomas and I had no idea of what we were getting ourselves into when we bought Château Lescure. The joy is that everyone who buys a castle puts romance before practicality. Owning a castle carries responsibilities like no other kind of property, but we love it with both its difficulties and its blessings. This estate truly is our playground, so come play with us in 2016! With every step we take and every friend that comes to visit, Lescure just blossoms and expands. Onwards we go, a journey into awakening.


  1. I would love to come and play! Sending hugs and wishes for a peaceful ad prosperous New Year to you both! With Metta, Michael

  2. Quel plaisir de vous retrouver tous les deux à Lescure. Que cette nouvelle année soit source de bonheurs, de projets et de moments de dégustation tant à Lescure que dans vos autres vies… Que Lescure vous délivre encore mille secrets et instants féériques. Puissent, tous nos meilleurs voeux vous accompagner pour cette nouvelle année… Amitiés – Yves-Olivier & Annie

  3. I have a feeling your kind of play involves work!!! Either way, we’d really love to visit. Fingers crossed for 2016 x

  4. Happy New Year!! I would love to come and visit you in 2016!!

  5. What a magical journey the 2 of you are on! I would love to be a part of this fairytale somehow <3

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