"The greatest journey is from the head to the heart"
At first, I had to get used to the idea that our mind is multiple. Yes, that’s right, we all have multiple personalities, called parts. Parts can be voices, thoughts, feelings, or sensations. All parts have positive intentions, but sometimes they are stuck in the past and carry burdens from long ago, and then their behavior has become simply unhelpful. Imagine strolling through your own inner landscape and striking up a conversation with all the parts that you meet. Before you know it, they share information that makes your life make more sense. What a revelation!!
Most parts are here to protect us, these so-called protectors come in two types:
You have managers who will proactively keep you from getting into trouble. These are usually well-respected by the outside world. Think of your inner perfectionist who makes you excel at things.
And you have firefighters who will do anything to avoid that you feel a certain pain. These firefighters usually don’t have a very good reputation. They are the ones who are responsible for everything we use to sooth ourselves, from comfort food and bubble baths to addictions like shopping, social media, work, alcohol, sex, and drugs. Self-harming behavior and suicidal parts are also firefighters. They can look very scary from a distance, but they too mean well.
When exploring the inner world with curiosity and compassion, you will find a wonderfully complex web of interacting parts, sometimes working together, sometimes polarized, that keep the system in balance. Most parts have in common that they will do anything to prevent a hurt exile (a young part carrying pain and that was put away in the basement) from appearing again and flooding the system.
IFS believes that everyone has the capacity to be the compassionate, loving agent to our internal system of parts. It is called Self with a capital S; it cannot be damaged and it is this energy that will heal your system. The real therapist is your own Self Energy, not me.
Instead of going to war with the parts that are afraid to move on, or that are stuck in confusion, we build trust with them and create the safety they need. And, when your parts are ready, healing can take place. After this process the part will return to its natural state with regained trust in your Self leadership.
IFS is evidence-based and rooted in academic research. It also has a deeply positive view of human nature and provides a bridge to spirituality. When approached with curiosity and compassion, all parts in the inner world reveal their good intentions and become cooperative. Just like humans do in the outer world…
Space to pause and reflect before sessions, or even more importantly, integration time after the sessions largely determine how deep and lasting the transformational process will be. (See also the work of Frank Anderson, MD).
I therefore feel truly blessed that I can offer IFS retreats at Domaine Lescure, where my partner Véronique and I immerse our guests in beauty and nature. Reinforced by forest bathing, the wabi-sabi philosophy, breath work, play outside and endless hours in the hot tub watching the stars, everything we offer is geared towards integrating and rebalancing your system while it is finding it’s way home again: to your Self.
I work out of The Netherlands and France, online and in person, in Dutch, English, and French, mainly in combination with a retreat experience. So, if you are in for a deep-dive, and have the intention (no obligation of course) to experience a retreat at some point, please get in touch.